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1712 I Street N.W. Suite 710 Washington, DC 20006

Cost of Dental Implants Washington, DC

Dental implants are the most expensive tooth replacement method available. The total cost of implant treatment can range from a few thousand dollars to $40,000. Sometimes, implant treatment can cost more. This cost depends on what pre-treatments you need. The cost of dental implants in our Washington, DC, office is based on multiple factors.

The average cost of a single tooth implant is around $4,500. Replacing a complete tooth arch will cost more than a single tooth implant. Each patient’s estimated treatment cost will vary since no two implant patients are identical. Multiple considerations are involved when determining the cost of teeth implants, including how much dental insurance will cover.

Dr. Justin Deckard offers multiple tooth replacement treatments at DC Precision Dentistry. These restorative treatments include crowns, bridges, partials, and complete dentures. Implants are the most stable and durable option to support these restorations and your long-term oral health.

dental implants washington dc

Cost of Dental Implants in Washington, DC

The actual cost of your implant treatment will depend on many factors. These include:

  • Location of implant placement
  • Size of the implants
  • Number of implants
  • Sedation and anesthesia

When we examine your smile, we consider these questions:

Dr. Deckard will conduct a thorough examination of your overall and oral health. After your consultation, he will know what materials and procedures you need. These factors will affect the total cost of dental implants.

An in-office exam will allow Dr. Deckard to create an accurate treatment plan to replace teeth and restore oral health. With this treatment plan, we can give you an estimated cost of your treatment.

Types of Dental Implant Restorations

When you consider the cost of dental implants, you also want to consider the type of restoration. Restorations that we provide patients with missing teeth include:

  • Single Crown-Capped Implant: We can replace a missing tooth with a single dental implant capped by a crown. Some patients may restore single missing teeth with a bridge. However, a bridge requires tooth preparation. This preparation process is easily avoidable with dental implants. Unlike dental bridge treatment, a single implant will not require preparation for natural, healthy teeth.
  • Implant-Supported Dental Bridge: An implant-supported bridge restores a row of missing teeth. Traditional bridges lay on the gums and use support from natural teeth. An implant bridge receives support from one or more implants. The number of implants we provide depends on your number of missing teeth.
  • Implant-Supported Partial Denture: A partial denture may seem similar to a bridge. However, a partial denture can replace multiple missing teeth in different mouth parts. Traditional partials clip onto natural teeth for support. However, partials that use support from implants can stay in place without shifting.
  • Implant-Supported Complete Denture: A complete denture restores the upper and lower teeth. Traditional full dentures lay on the gums. Because of their placement, traditional dentures do not support full bite function. Implant-supported dentures can help patients eat and talk clearly. We can use as few as four implants in an arch.

Dental implants create a stable anchor for crowns, bridges, partials, and full dentures. Implants will cost more depending on the missing teeth and the type of restoration you need. However, implant-supported restorations will last longer than traditional or removable ones.

Dental Implants: Payments and Insurance

DC Precision Dentistry accepts several types of dental insurance. Our team will file the claim on your behalf. We can give the estimated cost of your portion of the dental implants.

Our Washington, DC, dentist office accepts many payment options, including cash, personal checks, major credit cards, and HSA/FSA dollars. We also offer financing options through CareCredit with low monthly payment options.

We work with you to help you understand the cost. Our office will help you find the appropriate payment option for your budget. Teeth implants are the only restorative option that looks, functions and feels like your natural teeth. They are better for oral health and offer a better quality of life. With proper care, they should last a lifetime, making them a big investment.

Comparing the Cost of Dental Implants in Washington, DC

Dental implants are the best option if you have one or more missing teeth. Implants replace teeth at the roots, which helps prevent bone loss. Bone loss is common among patients with missing teeth.

If you choose a traditional dental bridge or denture, you will most likely suffer from some bone loss over the years. Bone loss can lead to many issues, including making you look much older than you are, diet restrictions, and further tooth loss.

Even though they cost less upfront, dentures and dental bridges may need to be replaced, realigned, or rebased over time. Dentures also require daily care and cleaning. This can be time-consuming. These regular maintenance and replacement costs will add up over time. They may even exceed the cost of implants.

The Value of Dental Implants

Although dental implants cost more upfront, they deliver a better quality of life. Implants are the most natural solution to replacing missing teeth. This is because they replace the tooth roots.

Dental implant posts are also permanent. If you brush, floss, and visit the dentist regularly, you will never need new implant posts. Dental implants ensure restorations last longer than if they used crowns or cement for support.

Implants do not require regular maintenance or special care. Brushing and flossing between implant restorations will keep them clean. Dental implants are an investment that improves bite function, aesthetics, and overall health.

Receive Long-Lasting Dental Implants

Do you have more questions about getting affordable dental implants? Call DC Precision Dentistry for dental implant treatment today at (202) 851-7554. You may also schedule a dental appointment with Dr. Deckard online. We will help you determine the cost of your implant treatment.

Learn more about dental implants on our website: