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Tooth Extraction Washington DC

In most cases, dentists perform tooth extractions as a last restore solution. Dr. Deckard will explore other options before extracting a tooth.

Dr. Deckard performs routine extractions under in our Washington, DC dental office. Dr. Deckard will work with you to determine if you are in need of a tooth replacement after the extraction.

If you need a tooth extraction due to overcrowding or wisdom teeth complications, you will likely not need a tooth replacement. Tooth extraction is one of the general dental care services we provide to the public in Washington, DC..

Reasons For Tooth Extractions

Extensive Tooth Decay

In advanced cases of tooth decay, a simple tooth extraction may be the only option. If your dentist cannot save the tooth using conservative measures, then they may need to extract the tooth.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease can have detrimental effects on your gums and teeth. For patients with extensive damage, Dr. Deckard may need to perform a tooth extraction.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

In most cases, impacted wisdom teeth will need to be extracted. Impacted wisdom teeth are at a higher risk of causing infection, tooth pain, or severe tooth damage to neighboring teeth.


Overcrowding of the teeth can lead to complex bite disorders, crooked teeth, increased risk of tooth decay, excessive wear on the enamel, and jaw pain. Removing overcrowded teeth can help alleviate painful or uncomfortable symptoms as well as improve your oral health.

The Tooth Extraction Process

Typically, a tooth extraction only requires one visit to our Washington, DC dental office. Dr. Deckard will work with you to ensure your treatment is comfortable and effective. The appropriate sedation option will be discussed prior to your visit.

A local anesthetic is applied. Dr. Deckard will carefully extract the affected teeth. Once removed, the extraction site is cleaned and sutured to allow for proper healing.

Instructions Post Tooth Extraction

A dry socket is a very painful condition that can take place after a tooth extraction. After the dentist removes the tooth, a blood clot will form. If the clot comes loose (or does not develop at all), you will get a dry socket. It is very important to take good care of the extraction site to prevent this from happening.

The following is a list of things you should do to avoid a dry socket:

  • Avoid carbonated beverages and alcohol
  • Do not suck on anything (such as candy) or use a straw
  • Do not smoke
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity
  • Do not rinse or spit
  • Avoid very hot or cold foods and drinks
  • Avoid hard, crunchy foods as wells as nuts and seeds

The following is a list of things you should do to help the site heal properly after the dentist extracts the tooth:

  • Remain upright as much as possible
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Consume soft foods
  • Drink your fluids
  • Take over the counter pain medications as needed
  • Apply ice to your face to reduce swelling

Replace Extracted Teeth

In some cases, you will need to replace your teeth if your dentist needs to extract them. However, you do not need to replace wisdom teeth. Dr. Deckard offers a full range of tooth replacement options in our DC dental office.

When applicable, Dr. Deckard will recommend a dental implant to replace an extracted tooth. Dental implants will mimic the natural tooth root.

The dentist will use a dental implant to secure a dental crown, dental bridge, or denture. Dr. Deckard will work with patients to determine which tooth replacement option best suits their needs.

Tooth Extraction FAQs

Is having a tooth extraction better than getting a root canal?

Any dentist will say that saving as much of your natural tooth as possible is the best option. A natural tooth offers better function and protection. Your dentist will only consider a tooth extraction if there are no other options to save your tooth, and in the case of wisdom teeth.

Is a tooth extraction painful?

The tooth extraction procedure is quick and relatively painless with the use of local anesthesia. You will not feel pain during the procedure. Once we extract your tooth, your tooth pain will go away. Some patients will experience some swelling and discomfort for a couple of hours after the procedure. Over-the-counter pain medication will help manage the pain.

How long does it take to remove a tooth?

Your dentist can extract a single tooth in one visit. If you need multiple teeth extracted as part of a larger treatment plan, we may partner with a local oral surgeon. Tooth extractions are not time-consuming. We do our best to get you in and out so that you can get back to your life in a timely manner.

Can I brush my teeth after a tooth extraction?

You can brush your teeth after a tooth extraction, but be cautious. Avoid the extraction area for the first 24 hours to allow clot formation and healing. Gently brush your other teeth and be careful not to dislodge the clot. After 24 hours, you can clean the extraction site gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Follow your dentist’s post-extraction care guidance for optimal healing.

What foods can I eat after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, it is best to eat soft and nutritious foods. You should eat foods like applesauce, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, yogurt, and scrambled eggs. Avoid foods that may stick to your teeth or requires a lot of chewing. Additionally, drinking lots of water can help keep your mouth clean. Lastly, make sure any food you do eat is at room temperature. Eating hot foods can disrupt your healing process.

Schedule a Visit Today

If you would like to explore your treatment options, you can visit DC Precision Dentistry. To schedule an appointment, call (202) 851-7554 or request an appointment online.