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1712 I Street N.W. Suite 710 Washington, DC 20006

Dentures & PartialsWashington, DC

Dentures and partials are commonly used to address missing teeth on both the top and bottom arches. Depending on a patient’s specific needs, dentures can be removable or secured with dental implants. We offer dentures and partials as a restorative dentistry treatment to the public in Washington, DC.

Dentures & Partials in Washington DC

Dr. Justin Deckard places dentures and implant-secured dentures in our Washington, DC, dentist office. He uses state-of-the-art dental technology and advanced materials to craft dentures that are comfortable and beautiful. Our goal is to create natural-looking smiles that make our patients look and feel their best. Dr. Deckard will work closely with you to design and place quality restorations.

Types of Dentures

Full Dentures

A full denture will replace a whole row of missing teeth on the top or bottom jaw. The false teeth are fused to a base made of acrylic or metal. A full denture will rest on the gums and remain in place through suction. You can use denture adhesive if you need to. You should remove your completed denture for at least six hours every day. Most people do this at night while they sleep.

Partial Dentures

A partial denture will replace several missing teeth on the top or bottom arch. We suggest this restoration if you have some healthy, natural teeth remaining. A partial is made of a base resembling gum tissue with a metal framework, and the false teeth are fused to it properly.

Metal clasps are also attached to the base. These clasps snap around your remaining teeth to hold the partial securely in place. Just like full dentures, you must remove the partial daily to rest and clean your gums.

Implant Supported Dentures

You can also choose to use dental implants to hold a denture in place. This offers a more stable, long-lasting solution to replace your missing teeth. This type of denture will not shift. Worrying about embarrassing slippage during eating, speaking, or laughing is unnecessary. With denture implants, you can enjoy the benefit of a natural-looking, comfortable tooth replacement solution.

Benefits of Denture Implants:

  • More stable foundation
  • Patients do not need to worry about slippage
  • Allows for normal speaking and chewing function
  • Better speech
  • More Self Confidence
  • Decreases gum irritation

Dental implants are one of the most successful tooth replacement options. Traditional dentures rely on the surrounding bone structure and gums for support. Over time, traditional dentures may begin to affect the supporting soft tissues.

Denture implants rely on dental implants for support, which does not irritate the soft tissue in the mouth. Dental implants also help promote jawbone stimulation, which helps reduce the risk of future bone loss.

Dentures FAQs

How many hours a day should I wear my dentures?

You should remove your removable dentures every day for about six to eight hours. The most logical thing to do is take them out while you sleep. This will allow your gums to rest and allow you to clean them.

How long will it take for me to adjust to wearing dentures?

Everyone is different and will have a different experience. If you are getting a full or partial traditional denture that you will have to remove daily, this will take some time to adjust. You may experience gum soreness. You have to ease into wearing them for only a few hours a day and working up to wearing them all day. Hopefully, in about two months, you will feel comfortable wearing them.

Do dentures look like your old teeth?

Yes. Dentures can look very similar to your old teeth. However, they may not be an exact match. Your dentist will work with you to choose the size, shape, and color of the denture teeth that best match your natural teeth.

Your dentist will also evaluate any changes in the appearance of your face due to tooth loss. With modern techniques and materials, dentures can provide a very natural-looking smile. With proper care, dentures can be a good replacement for missing teeth.

Can you leave partial dentures in all the time?

No. Dentists do not recommend that you wear partial dentures all the time. Doing so can cause oral health problems and discomfort. You should remove partial dentures at night for cleaning and to give your gums and jawbone a chance to rest.

Wearing partial dentures all the time can make it difficult to clean your teeth and gums properly, leading to dental problems. Your dentist will provide specific instructions on how long you should wear your partial dentures each day and how to care for them properly.

How long do implant dentures last?

Implant-supported dentures have a high success rate. They can last for 10 to 20 years or more. Factors such as the patient’s oral hygiene habits, the quality and quantity of bone in the jaw, and the type of materials your dentist used can affect the lifespan of implant dentures.

Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are necessary to monitor the implant’s health and ensure its functioning. Your dentist will provide specific instructions on how to care for your implant dentures to ensure their longevity.

Do dentures cause dry mouth?

Dentures do not directly cause dry mouth. However, they can contribute to the feeling of dryness. This is because dentures cover a large surface area in the mouth and can interfere with saliva flow. Additionally, some patients may experience increased dryness in the mouth due to medications or underlying health conditions.

To help alleviate any discomfort associated with dry mouth, you should stay hydrated and practice good oral hygiene when wearing dentures. If you are experiencing persistent dryness in your mouth, it’s best to speak with your dentist for treatment recommendations.

Schedule A Consultation

Choosing traditional or implant dentures will improve your confidence and overall oral health. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Deckard to discuss the best solution for you. To learn more about dentures, call (202) 851-7554 or request an appointment online.